natural remedies for stress

8 Natural Remedies for Stress and Anxiety: Diet, Yoga, Meditation, Autogenic Training & More

natural remedies for stress

There are many Natural Remedies for Stress that can be combined to improve your body natural psychophysical response. Simple Home Remedies for Stress to Bring Calm in your Every Day Life: Food, Aromatherapy, Yoga, Autogenic Training & More

The increasingly frenetic rhythms imposed on us by work and daily life, the pressures of friends and family, and all the responsibilities that fall on our shoulders are just some of the factors that contribute to increased agitation, anxiety, and stress. Every day our body is subjected to a severe test, both from a physical and a mental point of view.

Stress is a natural psychophysical response of our organism generated when we perceive an imbalance between the resources we have and the stresses we are subjected to. In the most serious cases, we speak of a real syndrome that has not only physiological but also pathological and psychosomatic implications.

Before reaching your tolerance limit it is necessary to face the problem, so as not to aggravate the situation and live everyday life more serenely. First of all, it is advisable to confide in someone, and maybe be followed by a professional. However, to alleviate or make the psychophysical effects disappear, there are countless natural remedies for stress listed below and very easy to follow.

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8 Natural Remedies for Stress and Anxiety

1. Food to Release Stress

Natural Remedies for Stress

Implementing the consumption of food to release stress in everyday life is a small action that can really make a difference. Follow a healthy and balanced diet, possibly favoring fresh foods and consuming a lot of fiber from the vast choice of fruit and vegetables; it is also advisable to often eat foods naturally rich in magnesium and potassium, such as dates, bananas, potatoes, nuts, and cereals.

However, it is not only important what you eat, but also when you do it: building a routine with regular mealtimes can help alleviate the effects of poor digestion, hunger pangs, and heaviness, all disorders that can aggravate your stress situation.

It is also advisable to avoid or decrease as much as possible packaged foods, rich in preservatives and added sugars; also caffeine, theine and alcoholic beverages should be avoided as they cause an immediate charge of energy, which sometimes leads to a state of further agitation.

The restrictions may seem difficult to follow, but a healthy diet is much more varied than it might seem and even a little dark chocolate can help calm stress, as containing tyramine and phenylethylamine, it contributes to the production of endorphins.

Furthermore, to complete a healthy and balanced diet, you can include vitamin supplements, we recommend mostly vitamins of group B: potassium, and magnesium: substances particularly suitable for the summer season, as they decrease the production of adrenaline and cortisol.

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2. Lifestyle and Rest

To build a stress-free and healthy lifestyle, it is important to spend time outdoors, expose yourself to sunlight and practice physical activity, whether it is a sport in particular, even for just a twenty-minute walk outdoors. This will help improve your mood, vent frustrations and worries.

It is also necessary to mention the quantity and quality of sleep and rest: it is in fact necessary to dedicate the right time to it, approximately between seven and eight hours every night. The physical activity performed during the day will help you sleep better.

3. Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Natural Remedies for Stress

Aromatherapy is among the most efficient natural remedies for stress that help rebalances our bodies, it uses essential oils to fix hormonal imbalances, thus favoring the proper functioning of the endocrine glands.

These essences can be diffused in the environment, massaged on the body, or poured into the tub while taking a hot bath; not only will the ritual itself contribute to instant relaxation, but each essence has specific properties.

For example, if we wake up tired after sleeping a sufficient amount of hours each night, the bergamot essential oil will help improve the quality of rest, reducing the state of anxiety. It also eases psychological blocks, inducing joy and serenity.

Grapefruit essential oil is useful for seasonal changes or jet-lag, mint, to promote concentration and performance, lavender and sandalwood, which respectively help to calm and dissolve tension.

Learn more about the benefits of Essential Oils with our articles

4. Yoga, Autogenic Training and Pranayama Breathing

Natural Remedies for Stress

There are countless relaxation and meditation techniques, starting with activities such as yoga or simple breathing exercises. In fact, it must be remembered that a regular breathing rhythm favors heating as it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system: there are various exercises, even very simple ones, which can be performed independently at home, for example by downloading a special application on your smartphone.

Alternatively, it is possible to be followed by a coach to learn a specific technique: there are autogenic training, pranayama breathing exercises which are part of yoga and which are useful for calming down and metabolizing negative emotions, or visualization, muscle relaxation, in which breathing is accompanied by alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles and mindfulness.

The effects are immediate, but practicing these activities consistently will bring long-term positive effects, including significantly less stress and anxiety and greater tolerance and emotional control.

You can join yoga retreats all over the world and learn all about the different types and benefits this discipline can give you. For example, would you like to join one of the best yoga retreats in Bali?

Learn more with our articles

  • The Benefits of Yoga for the Body and Mind

5. Meditation

Natural Remedies for Stress

Meditation consists in focusing energies and attention on oneself, investigating one’s perceptions, sensations, and emotions.

With meditation, therefore, one aspires to a greater level of self-awareness and inner peace. Constancy is essential and everyone can do it: a few minutes a day will be enough, preferably in the morning as soon as you wake up and in the evening before going to bed. Here’s a yogic meditation to do in the morning and a yoga nidra, or yoga of sleep, that’s ideal before bedtime.

6. Massages and Acupressure

home remedies for stress

There are many other ways to relax, a regenerating massage, a foot massage, and also a cycle of acupressure treatments. The latter can be particularly useful in case of severe anxiety, and it is preferable to consult an expert as it acts on specific points of the hands, feet, temples, and neck in conjunction with the nerves.

7. Laugh

It may seem obvious but among the main natural remedies for stress, there is mere laughter: you need to remember to take a break, go out with friends or family, watch your favorite show and get away from work, school, the computer and in some cases even from other people!

8. Plants

The environment in which you live or work is also very important: it is important to be comfortable where you spend most of your time and perhaps to be close to plants. Some indoor plants that are particularly suitable for this purpose and that we would like to recommend are pothos, aloe, kept in the bathroom during the shower will give a greater sense of relaxation, or philodendron and bamboo.

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